Okay, here we go with a brand new year, and I'm all set to catch up on missed posts. I have a lot to cover, so bear with me! First off, let me say Happy New Year to everyone, and I hope you had a wonderful holiday with your loved ones. I know I did, and now that the kids are back to school (whew!) I can focus on a few areas that I've been neglecting-namely my blog.
I am going back to about October here, and my first order of business is my good friend Arlene's 40th birthday. She amazes me in so many areas- she's a wonderful mother, a soon-to-be first-time novelist, an athlete, and a caring friend. She also writes a column in a local newspaper, and so I drew my inspiration for her birthday cake from that. Joel and I had fun thinking up some headlines and article titles for the "newspaper"- that was fun!!
Next, I had been asked to do some first birthday cookies for little Keaton, and his mom is a talented graphic artist who designed a very cool invite-so naturally I copied her design for the cookies. I think they came out very nicely.
My last post was about Halloween cookies, and I had so much fun making these for all of you who ordered from me-big thanks to you all! The jack-o-lanterns and ghosts were a big hit, and I plan on doing seasonal cookies from now on...I'll keep you posted!
Lastly, my neighbour and best friend Tanja ordered this cake for her friend's baby shower in December. I have to say it's one of my favourite cakes to date...love.